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Blaise 5.6 - The June 28th 2019 release

Version 5.6.1 was released on June 28, 2019.
It can be found in the usual location on our ftp-server.
The 5.6.1 version of the Android App is also available, in the Google Play Store. We're still in discussion on where to post the iOS App.

This version includes several new major features: e.g Generic Pages, Wave Projects, Text Translation and CATI extensions

There are several new samples shipped with the system. These show how new functionalities work.

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Video tutorial: Manipula Dialogs - Changing the Default

This video tutorial is the fourth and last of several videos about Manipula Dialogs (Maniplus in Blaise 4). It describes how to make changes to the default templates that are used to build up a Dialog. You can change these to match your house style for instance. It assumes some knowlegde about the Resource Editor.

We'd appreciate your feedback, so feel free to leave a comment on YouTube or facebook if you can.

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Team Blaise helping CYSTAT with 2021 Cyprus Population Census

This February, Team Blaise participated in the kick-off meeting for the 2021 Cyprus Population Census. Previously, Team Blaise helped CYSTAT develop the census system for their 2011 Census, which was conducted using Blaise 4 on netbooks. Following the positive results of 2011, CYSTAT asked Team Blaise to help again.

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Video tutorial: Manipula Dialogs - Conversion

This video tutorial is the third of several videos about Manipula Dialogs (Maniplus in Blaise 4). It describes how you can convert Blaise 4 Maniplus dialogs to Blaise 5 Manipula Dialogs and how to change the layout of those Dialogs.

We'd appreciate your feedback, so feel free to leave a comment on YouTube if you can.

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Training at CSO

From 4 to 6 March 2019, we gave the Blaise 5 Layout course at CSO, the Central Statistics Office in Ireland. They are moving from Blaise 4 to Blaise 5 and were eager to learn about the possibilities of Blaise 5.

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Video tutorial: Manipula Dialogs - Basic II - Lookup

This video tutorial is the second of several videos about Manipula Dialogs (Maniplus in Blaise 4). It explains how you can use a lookup and an EDIT in Manipula Dialogs, but some knowlegde of the Blaise 4 Maniplus syntax is expected. In this video we'll explain how to create a relative .bdix and how to customize your lookup Dialog using the default options.

We would love your feedback, so feel free to leave a comment on YouTube if you can.

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Gaining deeper understanding