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Blaise 5.5 - The December 14th 2018 release

Version 5.5.1 was released on December 14, 2018.
It can be found in the usual location on our ftp-server.

This version includes several new features and some changes: e.g the new BLOB-type, some new controls and actions, increased performance in questionnaire preparation, and improvements to Manipula.

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Video tutorial: Manipula Dialogs - Basic I

This video tutorial is the first of several videos about Manipula Dialogs (in Blaise 4 this was called Maniplus). It explains the basics of Manipula Dialogs, but some knowlegde of the Blaise 4 Maniplus syntax is expected. In this video we'll explain a bit about the new layout and how you can add a procedure to a button.

We would love your feedback, so feel free to leave a comment on YouTube if you can.

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Training at Statistics Denmark

From 1 to 4 October, 2018, we gave the Blaise 5 Layout course at Statistics Denmark. They are moving from another system to Blaise and were as such very eager to learn all about the possibilities of Blaise 5.

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Training Blaise 5 Layout, 12-15 November 2018

From 12 through 15 November, Statistics Netherlands will organise a Blaise 5 Layout Training. This is a four-day course for Blaise developers. It will focus specifically on how to specify and apply layout using the new tools in Blaise 5. The course is especially useful for existing Blaise 4 programmers who want to know more about how to make the transition to Blaise 5, or who want to know more about the new capabilities of Blaise 5.

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Video tutorial: Runtime Shortcuts

Our new video tutorial about runtime shortcuts has just been released. This is functionality that is not yet well known, but which might be helpful for your surveys. The video explains what they are and when to use them. It also shows how you can create your own in 2 easy steps.

We would love your feedback, so don't be shy and leave a comment on YouTube if you can.

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Blaise 5.4 - The June 29th 2018 release

The 5.4 version was officially released on June 29, 2018.
It is available from the official location on our ftp-server.

Some highlights of new functionality in 5.4 are:
Manipula Dialogs, support for harmless changes, data editing functionality, extended accessibility functionality and active directory support.
Check the What's New section in the Help to see all changes/additions.

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