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Pre-Conference Day IBUC 2016

If you are coming to the IBUC - and even if you're not, consider coming to our pre-conference day!
Whether you are new to it, already working with it, but looking for some practical tips, or if you are a real geek when it comes to Blaise 5, there is something for everyone!

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Blaise 5.0.5 - The March 31st 2016 release

This version includes the third version of Manipula, the second version of CATI, Field Properties, Custom Error Pages, a new Table Control and a few smaller additions. Furthermore, we have worked on a number of security issues, improved the iOS and Android apps, and solved many issues that were reported by our users.

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17th IBUC – Call for Abstracts

The next International Blaise Users Conference promises to be a very exciting event, as it is about coping with the modern survey world, going far beyond Blaise as a system. Indeed, according the Call for Abstracts for this event one will certainly look forward to be up-to-date with the latest insights on

  • Data collection on any device
  • Expectations of a modern survey-taking system
  • Multimode survey management
  • Unimode versus Generalized Mode Questionnaire design
  • (Re)training staff in an era of rapid change
  • Multilingual, multicultural, multi-national and multi-version multiple mode surveys

Abstracts for the conference can be posted by the end of June. The complete list of suggested conference themes is published on the site of International Blaise Users Group.

We will also keep you posted with any additional news on this forthcoming event on this website.

More options for storing audit trail and session data

The Blaise 5 release of November 30th 2015 introduces functionality that allows you to choose a custom relational database for storing session and/or audit trail data. By default, Blaise stores session and/or audit trail data in two file-based SQLite databases used by all surveys: one default session database and one default audit trail database. A reason to switch from the file-based SQLite database to an alternative database system could be to improve performance, particularly in situations where there are many concurrent users.

You can use your own session database and audit trail database by creating a general data interface file for each database. A general data interface file contains all the information for connecting to a custom database. The currently supported databases are SQL, Oracle and SQLite. The general data interface files can be created and modified with the Server Manager Tool via the configuration settings 'Session Data Interface' and 'Audit Trail Data Interface' in the Logical Server section.

In the coming months the Blaise team will be further extending this functionality. The Control Centre will have a new option to add general data interface files to your project for the session database and audit trail database. This will allow you to define where your session data and audit trail data will to be stored for each survey. This means that you can choose to have all data in the same database, or to have separate databases for every survey.

Some new features in our upcoming 5.0.5 release

Remarks in Blaise 5 

The upcoming Blaise Release 5.0.5 will support making interviewer remarks in all Data Entry Clients. A Remark can be defined in the Datamodel Language as a Field Property. A Field property is additional data (of a specific type) that is available for all data fields. Field properties can be edited by the standard input controls and will be stored in the Blaise database.

Specific Error Pages

In order to show a specific error page when some standard error occurs, it will be possible to specify for which standard errors an error page should be displayed. If no specific error page exists for an error, the default error page will be displayed. 

Gaining deeper understanding