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Blaise regression testing

ranorex logoIn 2015 the Blaise team has been expanded with three professional testers. They are building an automated regression test for Blaise5, using the test automation tool Ranorex.

The purpose of the regression test is to check if functionality that worked correctly in previous Blaise5 builds, will still work correctly in future Blaise5 builds.

Since Blaise is a very flexible system in which a multitude of features can be combined, it is impossible to test all relevant combinations. However, the test team strives to make the regression test as extensive as possible.

So far the focus of the test has been on Manipula and the rules. In the coming months the regression test will be expanded to other Blaise5 programs and features.

Visit from Statistics Sweden

On November 11 and 12 we had visitors from Statistics Sweden. Here’s what they had to say:

“After two days of digging deeper into the Blaise 5 software, our team are impressed by both its functionality and the possibilities to extend and integrate with it. We believe that Blaise 5 may be a suitable choice for current and future needs within Statistics Sweden.”

On our end, we got some nice tips for possible future functionality as well. We would be more than happy to welcome them into our community!

Blaise 5.0.4 - The November 30th 2015 release

intro blaise release 5 0 4It's almost December. Time to release a new version of Blaise!

This version includes the second version of Manipula, which is now production-ready, the first version of CATI, Multi-mode support, User-defined special attributes, and a few smaller additions. Furthermore, we have worked on performance enhancements, improved the iOS and Android apps, and solved many issues that were reported by our users.

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Mark Pierzchala visited Team Blaise

Mark Pierzchala visited Team Blaise at their Statistics Netherlands office. This visit was made the second week in November. Pierzchala owns the company MMP Survey Services, LLC based in the United States. During his visit, he learned about some new features in Blaise 5 including mode-specific language features, dynamic attributes, CATI, the use of mobile devices, and layout. These features will be highlighted in the upcoming Institutes' Guide due out in early 2016. Pierzchala will also help present these and other Blaise 5 capabilities in October 2016 at the next International Blaise Users Conference, IBUC 2016.

Blaise 5 training in Brussels, Belgium

October 12-14, 2015, we gave a Blaise 5 training to FOD Economics in Brussels. A total of 7 participants spent three days learning about all the new possibilities in Blaise 5. The course was given in English, as some participants spoke Dutch and others spoke French. They were happy that they were able to see the possibilities for layout in Blaise 5 and all agreed that they learned a lot these days.
On our end we also took home some notes and suggestions to make the course even better for the next time.

If you want to know more about this course in particular or other future courses in general, please email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view stay informed. If you are located in North/South America, please email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. instead.

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