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The official IBUC 2018 site is now online

Registration for IBUC 2018 is now open. Go to the official site for information on how to register and for more information about accommodation and the program as it becomes available.
Please remember, you can send in abstracts for presentations until June 8.

Visiting the IBUC means you have a chance to talk to other organizations that use Blaise. You can discuss issues you have, see how they maybe solved a similar issue, or you can help someone else by telling them how you handled a specific problem. You can also get to know the other users as well as the people behind Blaise in a relaxed environment. You may find there are functionalities you weren't aware of and you can raise questions if you have any.

We hope you will all join us as we discuss our experiences with Blaise and we hope you will share your experiences with us as well.


Gaining deeper understanding