Blaise 5 Layout Course at CBS Heerlen from 4 through 7 November, 2019
From 4 through 7 November, Statistics Netherlands will organise a Blaise 5 Layout Training, which is a four-day course for Blaise developers. It will focus specifically on how to specify and apply layout using the new tools in Blaise 5. The course is especially useful for existing Blaise 4 programmers who want to know more about how to make the transition to Blaise 5, or who want to know more about the new capabilities of Blaise 5.
This course consists of 3 modules.
Those modules are:
- New in Blaise 5 (for Blaise 4 programmers)
- This modules explains some concepts that are new in Blaise 5
- Blaise 5 Layout Basic: Layout Designer
- This module teaches the basics of the Layout, using the default templates
- Blaise 5 Layout Advanced: Resource Editor
- This modules teaches how to create your own templates
For more information, please, check our page on Training.
To register for this course, you can