IBUC 2020 is postponed because of the coronavirus outbreak
Since last week, the conference committee, CBS Blaise leadership and the conference host (The Statistical Service of Cyprus CYSTAT) have been conferring on the consequences of the coronavirus for the IBUC. Today’s meeting led to the unanimous and inevitable decision to postpone the IBUC until November. An earlier date is not possible due to room availability in the hotel.
The new date is November 3rd, 2020. The Pre-Conference Training will take place on November 2nd.
The IBUC committee will send more detailed information in the next few weeks. Regarding previous hotel bookings, all reservations have been cancelled. Registrants will receive information on how to re-book in due time. Please let CYSTAT know if you have already signed up for the conference but cannot attend in November.
For questions, please contact CYSTAT at
We hope you all are well and look forward to seeing you in November!
Team Blaise