Blaise 5.2.5 - CBS's experience
My name is Bryan Bungardt, employee at Statistics Netherlands (CBS). Using Blaise 5, I build questionnaires for data collection activities. Since we have started building questionnaires in Blaise 5 about 2 years ago, we have experienced a great improvement in the stability and features of the Blaise 5 suite.
With Blaise 5.2.5 we are getting a strongly improved Web-rendering engine (MVC using Angular-2) that produces fast Web-based questionnaires as the current market is demanding. The questionnaires run fast and smooth on many different browsers and devices.
For our surveys at CBS the Netherlands, we have created a lay-out that supports both PC as well as Smartphone formats and we see an big improvement in the speed and performance with these surveys. I am also very happy with the feature where Blaise 5.2.5 lets you use existing projects/solutions as a templates for a new project/solution. This saves us lots of time with rework of our yearly surveys.