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General Questions

Q: Do you have information on releases?

Blaise 5

Releases are numbered according to this format: MajorBuild.MinorBuild.Version
We try to release a bugfix build once a month (if needed), unless there is an urgent need to get a fix sooner.

The current minor version is Blaise 5.14.

Blaise 5.15 is scheduled for December 20, 2024.

Blaise 4

Releases are numbered according to this format: MajorBuild.MinorBuild.Version.Build

The current version is Blaise

There are no plans for a new release of Blaise 4.8. This will only happen on an as-needed basis.

Please note that we recommend no longer using Blaise 4 IS (Internet) due to the potential of security risks. We are not aware of any current risks, but as support for Blaise IS has been discontinued, we can no longer provide security updates if a CVE should be reported.

Q: Do you support Master-Detail questionnaires and/or parallels?

Yes. You can jump back and forth between them to fill in the parts that are required for this specific respondent.

Q: Does Blaise 5 support Maniplus?

A lot of the functionality is available through Manipula in Blaise 5. A first version of Manipula Dialogs (which is the new name for Maniplus Dialogs) is available from Blaise 5.4.2. This build was released on June 29, 2018.

Q: Does the Blaise system communicate with other systems and databases?

- Data can be stored in several databases (SQL, Oracle, PostgreSQL, SQLite, MySQL)
- The Rules can call Web Services, using alien procedures
- The Server Events Service broadcasts events of the Data Entry Service and Cati Service.

Q: How does record locking work?

Record locking means that if someone is filling in a questionnaire on one device or format, it is impossible for someone else to log in to the same record on another device or format. Opening another tab in the same browser will still allow you access though.

This mechanism does not lock the complete database.

Q: How open is Blaise 5? How easy is it to customize?

Blaise APIs provide access to all Blaise functionality. It's also possible to create Custom Data Entry Applications to change the look-and-feel or behaviour of the data entry clients.

Q: Is Blaise accessible?

Blaise can be used to build Section508/WCAG 2.2 level AA compliant questionnaires. The questionnaire designer/developer should be familiar with the guidelines so compliancy can be met, because it depends on screen design and questionnaire content as well.

Q: Is it possible to embed Media?

Yes, you can embed videos in your source code. You can also add images, audio, videos and documents to your Resource Database or point to a URL.

Q: What is the Blaise definition of a multi-mode survey?

A multi-mode survey, according to Blaise, is a survey that has one or multiple layouts per different kinds of interviews, e.g. Self interviewing (CAWI, CASI), Interviewer (CAPI, CATI) and Data Editing (CADI). Each mode can have different routing, texts and Special Answer options (DK, RF, etc).

Q: When do you plan to add a Layout Language?

Layout Language has been added in version 5.3.0, which was released on Dec, 1, 2017. You can also still add layout using the Layout Designer. The Layout will sync both ways.

Q: Which parts of Blaise 5 are production ready?

CAWI/CASI, CAPI and CATI are production ready, as is Manipula.

Q: Will Blaise work for ACASI? CARI? PAPI? If so, when, and for all (applicable) formats?

The goal is to make it available for all modes and formats/devices. ACASI and CARI have been implemented for WPF DEP and browsers for the 5.3.0 release on Dec 1, 2017. CARI has been available on the Android App since the 5.5 version. It's still on the list for iOS. PAPI is not yet on the list.

Q: Will you support alien routers in Blaise 5? If not, how do you call external processes from Blaise?

No. External processes should be called by custom Applications based on the Data Entry API.

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