Migration to Blaise 5
Q: Is the conversion tool updated to take into account the latest functionality in Blaise 5?
Yes. But remember that the Source Converter only converts the source code, not your layout, because that's handled differently in Blaise 5. You will need to re-create your layout in Blaise 5.
You can also convert your data from Blaise 4 to 5 and back, which allows you to use a Blaise 5 instrument to collect your data and do your data-handling in the Blaise 4 environment if you so prefer, or to use existing data from a Blaise 4 instrument to preload your data in a Blaise 5 version of that instrument.
Q: What does the migration to Blaise 5 entail?
You’ll need to change your Production process to include the correct infrastructure, convert your Blaise 4 sources and data, add Layout and test everything.
Q: What is a general time-to-field we should expect after migrating to Blaise 5?
That depends, among other things, on the number of people working on this migration in your organization, on how large your instrument is, and on how quick you learn how to add the Layout.