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Blaise 5.9 - The January 2021 release

Version 5.9.1 (build 2637, dated January 8, 2021) has been released.
It can be found in the usual location on our ftp-server.
New features and changes for this build include the introduction of an (Azure) Cloud server, a new data type (DateTimeType), and a ForEach action that can be used in expressions in the expression editor.

Due to an incompatibility in the web API in both Blaise 5.7 and Blaise 5.8, an upgrade button is available in the Server Manager to mitigate damage. See the Upgrade topic in the Help for more information.

Both Android and iOS have a new version available ( You can find the Android app in the Play store. The iOS app will become available as soon as the Apple store approves the app.

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Video tutorial: Using the Blaise 5 apps

This video tutorial explains how you can set up surveys in the Android app, iOS app and DepApp. It covers the settings in the server park, the settings for the users of the app and the installation of surveys in the apps, as well as how you can download pre-filled data to the device, or upload it after you are done. It also shows how you can remove the data or a survey when it is no longer needed.

Feedback is appreciated, as usual, so feel free to leave a comment on YouTube or facebook if you can.

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Video tutorial: Converting your Blaise 4 project to Blaise 5

This video tutorial explains how you can convert your Blaise 4 sources to Blaise 5 using the Source converter that is shipped with the system. It goes on to show how you can convert your data from Blaise 4 to Blaise 5 and back using Manipula. Note that this video does not concern itself with the layout of your questionnaires. For that, please check one of our other videos.

Feedback is appreciated, as usual, so feel free to leave a comment on YouTube or Facebook if you can.

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Blaise 5.8 - The June 2020 release

Version 5.8.1 (build 2466, dated June 25, 2020) has been released.
It can be found in the usual location on our ftp-server.
CMA is not yet included in this release, but it will most likely be shipped with the first 5.8 update release. We expect a 5.8 version of the Android and iOS app to be available in their respective stores soon as well. 
New features include a paradata viewer for AuditTrail and CARI data, and a data viewer in the dashboard for data that is present in the surveys handled by the CATI system. Furthermore, Manipula performance has been significantly improved for reading/writing to standard Blaise files, and Setups with AutoRead=Yes without a Manipulate section in general.

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Online Blaise 5 Layout Course in July 2020

Due to the current situation, where most of us work from home and travel is prohibited, we have decided to offer our Blaise 5 Layout Course online via Zoom. Normally, this course takes 4 days, but given that whole days on Zoom will be very exhausting as well as to accommodate as many time zones as possible, the course will be spread out over 8 half-days, most likely afternoons, CEST.

The dates for this course are 7, 9, 13, 14, 16, 20, 21 and 23 July and, as stated above, it will be presented, in English, via Zoom.

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Virtual IBUC 2020 in September

The IBUC Committee is very sorry to announce that the 2020 International Blaise User Conference, scheduled to take place in Limassol, Cyprus will not be held. However, to honor all the preparation conducted by the conference host (The Statistical Service of Cyprus CYSTAT) and all the papers/presentations submitted by the users, a  virtual IBUC 2020  will be hosted in the week of  September 14-17. CBS (Statistics Netherlands) will be the sponsor of this event.

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