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Blaise 5.7 - The December 2019 release

Version 5.7.1 (build 2248, dated December 18, 2019) has been released.
It can be found in the usual location on our ftp-server.
The 5.7.1 version of the Android App is also available, in the Google Play Store. A 5.7 version of the iOS App will become available early 2020.

This version includes, among others, the following new major features: Randomization, CATI-extensions/improvements, CARI extensions, a dropdown control for set questions, an extension to the DTAP environment, a Navigate TryLeavePageForward Event and deployment events.

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CBS' point of view on the use of the IE browser

CBS' CIO has been asked by the CBS Phoenix program management to take a position on browser usage. "Is the CIO or opinion that CBS is concerned about ensuring proper performance or CAWI questionnaires on outdated browsers at any cost, or will the problem solve itself, as Internet Explorer will be used less and less while Edge will undergo significant improvements?"

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Security updates to Blaise 5 versions

We were recently made aware of some security issues for web surveys. We have fixed these issues and as a result have released new builds for:
Blaise 5.2.5 (,
Blaise 5.3.0 (,
Blaise 5.4.9 ( and
Blaise 5.5.11 (

The recently released 5.6.5 ( build also has these security updates.

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Blaise 5 Layout Course at CBS Heerlen from 4 through 7 November, 2019

From 4 through 7 November, Statistics Netherlands will organise a Blaise 5 Layout Training, which is a four-day course for Blaise developers. It will focus specifically on how to specify and apply layout using the new tools in Blaise 5. The course is especially useful for existing Blaise 4 programmers who want to know more about how to make the transition to Blaise 5, or who want to know more about the new capabilities of Blaise 5.

This course consists of 3 modules.

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Stats NZ: beginning our Blaise 5 journey

We recently visited Statistics New Zealand to help them get started with Blaise 5. Here's what they had to say about our visit:

Stats NZ has used Blaise 4 to run our social surveys for the last two decades and, when it was time to start our Blaise 5 journey, we approached Team Blaise. Tessa Carati and Ralph Dolmans travelled to New Zealand in June 2019 to deliver Blaise 5 training and to work with us on the future design, development and deployment of Blaise 5.

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Gaining deeper understanding